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Fauzia's Pakistani Recipes - The Extraordinary Taste of Pakistan

Finger Fish (Fish Sticks) Recipe

  • 1 kilogram of Salmon Fish (Cut into finger shaped pieces)
  • 2 Eggs (beaten)
  • 2 cups Bread Crumbs
  • 1 tsp. Salt
  • 1 tsp. Black Pepper Powder (Pisi Kaali Mirch)
  • 1 tsp. Ajinomoto Salt
  • 2 tbsp. Vinegar (Sirka) or Lemon Juice (Nimbu Arakh)
  • Cooking Oil (for frying)

  1. Add salt, black peppers, ajinomoto, and vinegar to fish and let it marinate for approximately 4 hours.
  2. Dip the fish fingers in the beaten eggs and cover fish with a layer of crumbs. Deep fry in oil on medium heat until golden brown.

Yield: 6 Servings
Preparation Time: 30 Minutes
Degree of Difficulty: Easy
Recipe Category: Seafood
Recipe Ethnic Group: American

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Recipe Printed from (Fauzia's Pakistani Recipes)